Articles on: User Management

Getting "unauthorized_client: Client is unauthorized to retrieve access token" error

If you are getting the following error message:-

unauthorized_client: Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method, or client not authorized for any of the scopes

This is likely that Patronum does not have the correct access to a specific user or resource via the Google Admin Console setup.
For the Google API's to correctly work Patronum needs access to all users within your Google Workspace environment.
Access is configured within the Google Admin Console

Within the Google Admin Console, from the main menu select Apps > Google Workspace Marketplace apps > Apps list.

From the list of app select Patronum.

Within the User access section select View organisational units and groups.

Make sure Patronum is ON for everyone, and configured for the Root of your Google Organisation.

It is not possible to configure Patronum for a setsub of users due to Google API limitations.

Updated on: 01/03/2023

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