Articles on: Email Signatures

Embedded images not showing in email signature.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to embed SVG images into your email signatures. Emails with SVG images are very often treated as spam or dangerous. This is because the SVG image format can be potentially harmful – cyber-attackers often exploit these image files in order to embed malicious JavaScript code. This is why email clients like Gmail and Outlook on the web may potentially block SVG content, and therefore blocking them from the email signature. The fact that emails with SVG content are often classified as spam by email servers also goes in line with the assumption that the format might be generally unsafe to use.

Tips for replacing an SVG picture in an email signature

The reason why companies want to use SVG content in their email signatures is in order to take advantage of SVG’s scalability without loss of quality (sharpness). As an alternative approach you might consider using double size raster graphics in the PNG or JPG format instead.

For example, if you have a company logo in the SVG format, you need to convert it to PNG or JPG twice the size of the image you want displaying in the email signature.

If you're unable to store images within your public facing website we suggest you review our guide to storing images for email signatures in Google Drive.

To resize the image simply include the width="x" within your HTML. In the example below we have an image that is 400 pixels wide, but is being display as 200 pixels wide.

<img width="200" src="">

Updated on: 09/10/2023

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