Articles on: Policy Management

Setting up a File Sharing within a policy

Set up a File Share Policy

Share files and folders, or transfer ownership to an Executor from within the FILES policy.

Right click all allows you to Add, Make a Copy of someone files and folders, or Create New Folder to help with Google Drive organisation.

How about adding a short cut to a Google Shared Drive folder right into a users My Drive?

File Management with Patronum Policy

By hovering over the (+) icon you will notice a small deprovisioning icon below. Select this option to configure user offboarding actions related to files and folders belonging to the user affected by the policy.

File deprovisioning options.

The options are:-
Privacy level - Decide which files you want to transfer.

All Files - Transfers all files from the user
Unshared files only - Transfers only the unshared files of a user. Use this option if you want to transfer all none shared files.
Shared fils only - Transfers those files that have been shared with others.

Transfer all files to Shared Drive - This option moves all files owned by the user to a designated Shared Drive. A path can be selected using the macros such as {{fname}} {{lname}} Files. To include an existing folder use the format /folder/folder/

Transfer ownership of all files to executor - This option changes the ownership of all files to that of the executor user within the policy, and moves the files into the executors My Drive within the defined path.

Request access change for External files - This option will email the external owners of files that the user has access to informing them of the users departure, and requesting a transfer of access to an executor. For files that the user has Editor access to the executor is automatically given editor access.

Exclude transfer of files within a specific folder - This option allows the administrator to ignore a specific folder within the users Google Drive for privacy related concerns.

Looker Studio - This option allows for the transferring of Looker Studio data to the executor.

Executor - This is the user who will inherit the files, can be {{ admin }}, {{ manager }} or a specific account.

Updated on: 19/03/2024

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