Managing Google Groups with Patronum
How to create a Google Group within PatronumFew readersManaging User Settings via Google Group
With Patronum you can set and update many Google and Gmail settings. From the SETTINGS tab you have access to the following sections. Vacation - Out of office settings Email Templates - Set Patronum email templates for your Google Group. Labels - Create Labels for all your Google Users. Aliases - Create Send-As aliases for all your Google Users. Email Forwarding - Automatically configure email forwarding. Filters - Configure Gmail filters for all your Google Users. PFew readersAdding Members to Google Groups with Patronum
To add a user to your Google Group select the (+) icon. Add user to Google Group Specify the permissions for the user using the permissions drop-down. Google Group PermissionsFew readersSharing Google Contacts with Group Members
Within Patronum you can share a Google Contacts Label automatically with members of a Google Group. Click the (+) icon. Enter the name of the user you wish to share a Google Contact Label with. Sharing Contact Labels with a Google GroupFew readersAdding Files to a Google Group
With Patronum you can take a simple Google Group and turn enable fully automated provisioning giving group members access to files and folders automatically. Files added via Patronum are not just shared but they are added to a users My Drive, giving them quick and easy access to common company information. Click the (+) icon. Add Files from Google Drive to a Google Group Select the Add Option opFew readersAdd a Google Calendar to a Google Group
You can add a Google Calendar automatically to member of your Google Group. Click the (+) icon. Enter the name of the owner of the calendar you wish to share. Select the calendars and then the permissions. Adding a Google Calendar to a Google Group ( readersAdding Profile information via a Google Group
Within Patronum is it possible to add profile information to all members of a Google Group. Information such as department, cost centre, and even job title can be applied at scale to all members within your Google Group. From within the Google Group. Select the PROFILE tab. Click on the edit icon. From the edit screen add the details you wish all your group members to share. Adding UserFew readers